Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Word Processing . . .Word Origins

Word processing (a course that I adore teaching) is, after all, about words. In my last post where you were directed to a challenging keyboarding game, you were also faced with some very unfamiliar words. Please continue to visit the site and continue to learn and share new words in your comments.

Here's are some good sites that will help you with your vocabulary. Just to hit on a few!!

Super Kids Words
Word Flash Cards
Word of the Day
Another Word of the Day
Yet Another Word of the Day
How About a Literature Word of the Day
Just About Anything "of the Day" You're Looking For

Check them out. And remember, it's not only important to learn new words, but to learn to USE them, too, in your daily speaking. So here's a challenge for you . . . actually USE a new word or two in a conversation, in class, over the dinner table . . . It's always cool to look smart, act smart, be smart, sound smart!!


Anonymous said...

Well, I found some new cool words and just thought I would talk about when I love to use big words. Usually when I am trying to tell someone they are acting totally ridiculous. And when I tell them that they are so confused they just agree with me and I feel so much better that I got my feelings out there.

Mrs. Spear said...

That was a very confusing comment, Val, sorry to say. What on earth are you saying???

Anonymous said...

I thought these websites were pretty neat! The other day for english class we got assigned new words and we had to look some of them up and i used one of your websites to see what my word was.


Mrs. Spear said...

That's great. What words did you look up and what site did you use? Did it work well for you?

Anonymous said...

Yeah..I figured you would like to know that I used your great information that you gave me haha :) but anyway I looked up the word vigor and bectic. I used the website word of the day. I thought it worked out really well:) so thanks alot!
