Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Do a google search on the word quotations, and you'll get about 2,890,000 hits.

Some people love quotations for the emotion that they convey. Others read quotations because they like the thoughts of a particular person or because they are interested in a particular topic. Still others access quotations to use in their homework, essays, and speeches. Whatever the motivation . . . quotations have been around for as long as mankind.

Here's a few quotations I came across today . . .

"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider - Harold Bloom

"It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to change" - Charles Darwin

"Confusion is the beginning of learning. Satisfaction is the end of learning." - Unknown Author

What do these quotations mean to you? Feel free to comment on any or all; share a quotation that has meaning for you; and/or make up your own quote!

And remember to read the Prologue and Chapter 1 of The Secret Adversary. I read it last evening and definitely did not want to stop after Chapter 1 . . . Can't wait to see what you all think. Discussion begins on Friday, March 23!


Anonymous said...

I love the quote by Harold Bloom. Reading opens so many doors to so many different worlds. When you read it is always to take in what you read as a learning experience. Consider what the author is trying to say and weigh it against what you believe. Don't give up what you believe easily but just be open to everything. That quote really does say a lot about what I love about reading. I like the last one too. Learning isn't always easy but it will leave you very satisfied in the end because there are so many places you can go after you get an education. I always like the quote from the movie Forrest Gump. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to get".

Mrs. Spear said...

And here's what I would add to the Forrest Gump quotation . . . "sometimes it's ooey gooey, sometimes it's nutty, sometimes it's wonderfully rich, sometimes it's sweet, and sometimes you just want to spit it right out."

Anonymous said...

I liked/agreed with the quote by Charles Darwin the most. What he says is very true. Right now we are living in a changing word, and in order to survive in our world, you must be able to adapt to all of the modern technologies being developed. It's good to be strong or even ntelligent, but what use is that if you can't respond to the changes around you. You'd be stuck in your oun little world.


Mrs. Spear said...

Exactly! And even better than just responding to change is actually being a part of something that results in positive change. Don't you agree? Can you tell me about any time that you were the cause of some change and whether it was good or bad?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't usually like to change. But this past basketball season we had a huge change! We got a new basketball player from a different school and it changed our whole line-up. We had a different line-up almost every night out on the floor. At first I didn't feel that it was a good change but as I look back on it, I guess it was, considering we won the league title this past season. Having one more person meant we could rotate our players more creating a longer break time for everyone. In my opinion, I think it really helped us.


Anonymous said...

I also really like the quote, "Confusion is the beginning of learning. Satisfaction is the end of learning." It means that when you are confused, you begin to learn about the things that are making you confused. You want to figure it out so you can keep going. When you are satisfied, you have no need to learn because you are content with what you have already.


Mrs. Spear said...

Interesting twist . . . Do you have to be confused in order to start learning? And do you stop learning once you're satisfied?

I do hope that most people do have the yearning to want to "keep going" in order to fully understand something!