Friday, February 16, 2007

Nurturing Creativity

So here we are in cyberspace again . . . thanks for coming back to read more.

Here's something that I think about a lot. Does the internet have any effect on your creativity? Does it make you less creative or more creative or leave you status quo.

I do find myself using the internet a lot for ideas, whether it's for a lesson I'm planning, a craft I want to do with my kids, or a new recipe I'd like to try. I don't rely on my own creativity first anymore; I go searching online. Is this a good thing??

I also think age and too much brain stimulation has a negative effect on creativity. I used to be extremely creative. I'd wake up in the middle of the night with some wonderful idea that I prayed would still be in my head when I woke up because I was too lazy to get out of bed and write it down. Not so much anymore.

So what are your thoughts? Are we less or more creative people because of the internet or other reasons? I'd love to hear from you. Oh and by the way, here's an internet site on nurturing creativity! Ha!


Anonymous said...

I think the internet has helped develop creativity in everyone. It doesn't seem so much to me that the idea is key, but the way you excecute the idea that matters. You might come up with a great idea or find one on the internet, nevertheless both take time and dedication to carry out. You might get a recipe for a cake, but apply it in a totally different way. Shape it into an animal or even use your own decoration methods. Creativity is the brains modification and creation of ideas, and the internet does a good job in helping everyone do just that.

Mrs. Spear said...

Good thoughts and well written, Val. You're right--execution and dedication are both very important in developing and acting upon creative ideas. And might I add . . . passion.

Anonymous said...

I think that the internet has helped with people and their creativity. I don't think however that it has helped with me as much as it has with other people. I used to be really creative too. I still am creative when it comes to writing poetry and stuff like that. I am not so creative when it comes to drawing or creating a picture. Instead of taking the time to think about drawing it myself, I usually just get on the computer for ideas.- ashley, wp3

Mrs. Spear said...

I, too, Ashley, go right to the computer for ideas. I even find myself telling my children to "look it up on the Internet." This is why I worry about whether or not technology has an effect on an individual's own creative brain power.

Anonymous said...

I believe the internet has helped us all become more creative. If you get on the computer and find, let's say a layout for a website, you take that and keep building to it as to what you think looks best. The internet helps stimulate our minds to make things more creatvie. You see what other people do and you want to do the same but usually, most people want to do it better. And to do it better it involves yourself becoming more creative than that of the person before you.


Anonymous said...

I think that the internet has developed creativity for some people. It has for me. I use the internet to find new recipes and scrapbooking ideas. I also use the internet to find pictures for a project because I'm not very creative when it comes to drawing.

Anonymous said...

I think that the interent helps create creativity in alot of people. I honestely use the interent for alot of stuff. When it comes to research or projects that I have to do. I try and get really good ideas for them. But sometimes I cant be as creative as i would like. I'm not very creative when it comes to drawing a picture or other things. So I normally just go on the interent and try to get ideas for alot of things.
