Thursday, November 01, 2007

Literature Circle Blog

Here's a way to take the traditional "literature circle" to a new level . . . develop it in a blog!

Check out this group of 7th graders from Auckland, New Zealand, who are very nicely completing their assigned tasks in their literature circle roles and then posting their work on a blog where it comes together in a creative, organized, always available online project.

The are reading Good Night Mister Tom, preparing creative posts, and learning about blogging all wrapped up into a 21 century skills great project!

For my classroom, I'd love to have a "virtual book club" where my students and another class from anywhere in the world could read the same book and then share their views . . . all in a blog.

Here's a comment that I wrote on the Good Night Mister Tom Blog.


~Jamie Emery said...

The "virtual book club" is a great idea. Have you discussed this with any of your students or classes yet? Would you require participation for your class or would this be an enrichment activity?

Mrs. Spear said...

I actually attempted this last year with my Word Processing 3 students as a trial run. I found that you have to grade them in order for them to participate, otherwise they are not interested. Sad. I do think if you involved another school/class that might be more motivation.

Lenva said...

Hello from New Zealand.
Thank you for your kind comments on our blog - Goodnight Mister Tom.
It certainly makes our literature circles more exciting for us.

By the way, we are aged 11-12 - we think that is 6th grade in USA, but we are not sure.

Now that we have nearly finished our literature circles, we are going to make podcasts reflecting on what we have done. They will be on our blog soon.

Some other classes in our school have done literature circle blogs that you may want to look at also.