Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Chapter 2--Mr. Whittington's Offer--Discussion

Feel free to comment on any or all of the following, or you may certainly comment on Chapter 2 as the spirit moves you.
  • We know Tuppence and Tommy are the main characters at this point. However, we don't know much about them. Let's use inference to guess some personality traits and background information of/about Tuppence. How old do you think she is? What kind of a family did she come from? What's her nationality? Anything you think about her at this point in the book.
  • Who's Rita?????
  • What is pensionnats de jeunes filles? Anyone take French?
  • How about these unfamiliar words: treacle, ticarage, archdeacon, gimlets

The next online discussion about the book will be after Chapter 3 . . . after Spring vacation. (April 11) However, if you're bored feel free to read ahead . . . I probably will.


Anonymous said...

I thought Tuppence was an older adult, but I think I was wrong. She seems to be an adult but one that is in her twenties. She seems to have this vitality about her and in everything she does and that is something found a lot in younger adults that are hungry for life. She is probably a simple english girl that has lived there all her life. I take french and at first I had no idea what pensionnats de jeunes filles meant but after looking it up I found out that it means a young girls' boarding school. Treacle is molasses. The Gimlet is a cocktail typically made of gin and lime juice, or a hand tool for drilling small holes. There are good questions Mrs. Spear. I am learning a lot.

Mrs. Spear said...

Thanks for the comments on Chapter 2, Val. I appreciate your enthusiasm and am glad you are learning a lot. I am, too! For some reason, I am thinking that Tuppence is an American living in England. Thoughts, anyone???