Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The Blog Begins Here . . .

So I thought it might be fun to have a small online space to have thought-provoking discussions or just random conversation with and among my students. In class we are always so busy completing tasks, projects, and assignments that we barely have time to talk. So this blog is an extension of the classroom . . . a place for me to offer you something to ponder, investigate, or solve, and for you to respond, react, or retort . . . or vice versa.

Each day I'll throw out something of interest and you'll reply. We'll build a connected dialog that will give you a chance to use your skills beyond the normal classroom stuff. So let the blog begin here . . .

Today I'm wondering what the heck "leetspeak" is. Let me hear from you with definitions, examples, links.


Anonymous said...

Leetspeak is a type of communications where a user replaces letters for numbers or other characters.


Anonymous said...

leetspeak is a type of communications where a user replaces letters for numbers or other characters. For example, "leet" in leetspeak would become "1337". Below is our basic conversion tool to convert your text into leetspeak. Please keep in mind there are hundreds of different ways that someone may speak leet; therefore, someone may use "5" or a "$" to represent an "S".


Anonymous said...

Its a good idea that you set this up. The blogging idea is really interesting, its the closest thing to myspace that I will actually use.


Anonymous said...

Leetspeak is a type of computer communication that takes letters and interperts them with simalar characters. These characters can be numbers, punctuations or symbols. Wow, this blogging thing is really really neat. Val<3